1. Solo Support
  2. Website
  3. Create your booking website

🖥 Claim your website URL

To create your booking website, you will need to choose a website URL for your business

To claim your website URL:

  1. Click on settings in the bottom right hand corner of your Solo app
  2. Click on booking website
  3. Your website will be given a default URL based on your business name, however you will need to update this to a URL of your choice. To update this, click set website address and amend the copy to a URL of your choice. Your website URL will look like this:  booksolo.co/YourChosenURL.  Once you have decided on your URL, click claim website address. 
  4. If you wish to amend your URL at any point, go into settings >> booking website >> scroll down to the bottom of the page >> click change website address.

Note - your website will be offline until you press turn on public accessWe recommend waiting until your website is fully set up before you go live. You can preview your website at any point.