1. Solo Support
  2. Market your business
  3. 🖥 Drive customers to your website

👉 Direct existing customers to your website

Send your existing client base to your website for a more seamless experience

Not only do you want to use Solo to expand your client base, you will also want to direct your current customers to your new booking website. This will avoid having to juggle requests across multiple platforms and ultimately provide a more seamless booking experience for both you and your customers.

1. Send a message to customers who current book via direct message:
This will include customers who book with you via WhatsApp/Instagram/Facebook 

Use the example template below to send a message to your customers: 

Hi {customer name}, 

How are you?
I just wanted to let you know that I will no longer be taking bookings through WhatsApp. From now on, you can check my live availability and make a booking from my website at booksolo.co/URL.

Look forward to seeing you soon!
{customer name} 

2. Update your link in bio on Instagram 

Follow the steps here to update your link in bio to direct customers to your booking website