Free Transfer Service

Don't want the headache of transferring over all of your customers and bookings? Good news, we'll do it for you!

We know that getting set up on a new booking system can feel like a big task, particularly whilst you're busy with bookings, which is why we offer a free transfer service.

What is the transfer service?

Upon request we can transfer all of your current:

  • Customers
  • Bookings
  • Reviews
  • Lookbook images 

You can provide your data in any format then sit back and let our experts take care of the rest.

Better yet, it's free of charge and can take place during your free trial period. This ensures a smooth transition of systems for both you and your customers, with no disruption to your business or bookings.

How do I sign up for the transfer service? 

If you would like some help transferring your business, simply enter your name and email on this form and your Account Manager will be in touch to start the process


Is my data safe?
Absolutely. Rest assured knowing your customer data is completely secure and protected by our privacy policy. 

Do I need to be subscribed to a paid plan to use your transfer service? 

No, we offer an unlimited free trial (up to 10 bookings) giving you full access to Solo and all of its features. We will migrate your data over for you, letting you focus on trying out Solo and setting up your website. Once you've exceeded your 10 bookings, you'll receive a notification to let you know it's time to upgrade. 

How should I let my customers know I've moved systems? 

As part of our transfer service, we offer you the tools you need to ensure a seamless transition for your customers. This includes copy to update them for:

  • Email 
  • SMS
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram posts